Vertikal Days 2021 – 22-23 September

September 24, 2021

Published by Kranlyft Group

Kranlyft group at vertikal days

Vertikal Days 2021 on the 22 and 23 of September – a warm and sunny September week – was a great success for the Kranlyft Group, our stand was larger than in previous years and we had on display a total of 9 cranes.

The Maeda display started with the MC285CWM-E-3 and the new Eco MC285CB-3. This new lithium-ion battery powered crane was of big interest. So far 11 Eco cranes have been sold in the UK.

Next in the range was the prototype of the new Maeda MC305CB-3 battery crane, we hope to see the first cranes arriving in the UK early next year.

The CC range of Maeda crawler cranes was represented with the CC423, CC985 and CC1908, two of these cranes had previously been sold and were displayed in the customer’s livery.

All in all, the show was a success with us having five sold machines on the stand, with lots of enquiries to chase which will hopefully give us a great end to the year.

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