Solutions de levage innovantes depuis 1963
Le groupe Kranlyft est distributeur général des mini-grues Maeda innovantes pour l’Europe, l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient.

Nous concentrons sur des solutions rentables qui répondent aux exigences les plus élevées en matière de durabilité au sein de l’industrie du levage. En représentant des fabricants de qualité et en fournissant des services après-vente de premier ordre, nous sommes maintenant le leader du marché dans l’industrie du levage.
Rester en tête de la compétition
Les mini grues de petite taille et légères sont plus sûres que les engins de levage traditionnels. Depuis L’année 2000, le groupe Kranlyft livre ces grues innovantes à toute sorte de sociétés de levage et de location. Pourtant, certaines entreprises manquent d’expérience sur nos mini grues. Contactez-nous et nous veillerons à ce que vous sachiez comment et pourquoi votre entreprise peut travailler encore plus intelligemment.
Travailler plus intéligemment
Kranlyft, votre partenaire légendaire dans le secteur des grues à longue durée de vie depuis 1963. Utilisant des moteurs diesel ou électriques ayant le meilleur rapport puissance/performance.
Kranlyft est un long fleuve tranquille…Vous devriez aussi l’être. Manipulation facile, remarquable qualité et excellente valeur de deuxième main vous permettent d’économiser de l’argent. Nos marques ont tous les atouts de la réussite.
Technologie de pointe permettant les travaux de levage en toute sécurité, à tout moment et en tout lieu.
Opera house
Maeda MC405 Glazing
Opera house
Maeda MC285 Facade stone
Flame Towers
Maeda MC285 Glazing
Burj Khalifa
Maeda MC174 Glazing
Our products are used at various construction sites around the globe. In both public and private sectors, these machines are proven advantageous with their impeccable accessibility, flexibility and high capacity. Let us introduce you to a smarter way of lifting.
Manipulation du verre
With our innovative range, glazing works have become easier, safer and more efficient than ever. As always when handling glass, precision is as crucial as safety. Our products enable first-class glass handling.
For industrial applications our range of machines can be found everywhere. From maintenance of equipment and line replacements to material lifting and installations works. Their advantages of high reliability and durability outshine the competitors.
The sector of agriculture is growing each year and we have seen the use of our machines increasing. Mostly for stonework and maintenance but also for inspections and installations. Our products are appreciated for their ability to access extremely narrow passageways and keeping the damage to its surroundings to a minimal. Further they can easily work on the most uneven grounds and terrains.
Mines et forage
Mining and drilling operations often have a high level of requirements with many specific needs that our products are able to meet. The environments are demanding and the difference between the wrong and right equipment can be vital for the success of the operations. Many of our machines can easily be transported to remote locations and survive the harshest conditions.
Toîture et façade
Our smaller cranes can be transported to the upper floors of high rise buildings by the service elevators and then be used for installation works of outer walls such as panels and glass frames. This popular application for mini cranes creates shorter construction periods and cuts costs by avoiding the use of expensive tower cranes. Further we provide specific products for panel handling. A large number of our machines can be used to lift material for roof constructing as well as different kind of installations.
Aviation et marine
Many cranes in our range are used for maintenance and component replacement of airplanes, helicopters, oil rigs and vessels. Both outside in the field and inside facilities. Further we have many examples where our machines have been transported by aircraft, helicopter, barge and boat to remote locations for maintenance work. We also see an increase in the use of our machines at shipyards and marine constructions.
Projets spécials
With more innovative solutions and techniques appearing all the time, our range of machines has found many interesting ways of use. From large-scale 3D modeling applications to special solutions in drilling and concrete work.
Produits et services
Présentation de notre gamme et de nos services
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+33 7 71 61 01 33
+46 31 807 000
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